I think it's basically how you define it yourself. Granted, many people around you will constantly try to understand, or judge or butt in where it's really none of their business at all.
Recently, I was out with friends and I saw one person, who has a boyfriend that wasn't out that night, kissing other people. Now, I'm not one to say much because I kiss all of my friends. However, I don't use tongue with my friends. To me it just seemed kind of odd. Someone else that was out that night kept talking to me about that person and his boyfriend and how much he wanted to be in a relationship like that one day. "Like what?" I had to wonder. One that ends up with your boyfriend kissing someone else and God only knows what else when you're away? Because I know that I wouldn't want that. I try not to judge it and I really don't know all of the details of the situation, so I can't and won't. I believe that everyone is entitled to their own way of life. But, don't preach the monogamy of your life, when you don't display acts of monogamy in public. It just confuses everyone.
Maybe it's just me, but I think that because we're gay, it's expected that we are not monogamous. I know people who hate talking about it because they think that it makes gays too much like straight people. Well, whatever happened to the worth of a commitment? Or just the value of your word? Whatever happened to knowing and trusting in someone so much, and them actually backing you up with it? Is that something so crazy to ask for?
I maintain that it is not. I think that it's just the way you run your own life. Outside of even having a relationship. I think we should all strive to be people of our word. The kind of people that when we say something to others, they know it's the truth. Or when we commit to something, we follow through. Granted, this is not always easy, and I'm victim to falling short of it just like everyone else. So, with that, I'm trying to be a better person. And maybe everyone else should too, but who am I to say?
So, back to relationships, is it anyone's business about the in's and out's of a relationship other than the people in it? I mean, if the relationship is outwardly non abusive or destructive, should anyone have the right to inquire about the details or know what is going on behind closed doors? Does anyone have the right to know who takes care of what? Or who holds responsibility where? I maintain they don't. Unless someone in the relationship chooses to bring that out and share it, then fine, but who are people to think that it should be public knowledge? It frustrates me at times when i want to keep something private, yet I find friends of various degrees asking me questions about stuff I might not want to share, or that I think is none of their business. I don't want to be rude or closed off, but sometimes it's just none of your business.
And yes, I have asked more of my friends than was my business to know, so here we go again. I'm trying to be better at minding my own business. So, conversely, if I tell you that I think it's none of your business, then that should be the end of the conversation. And I hope that if you are the recipient of that statement, that you are not offended and can respect my wishes about my own life.
Yes, I have a blog, and yes I put a LOT out there, and no I don't mind talking about my life. Mine. Not the life I have with my boyfriend. He's not me, so I have to be respectful of him. And the us that is a couple. But for my own things, I can share what I choose because that's up to me. So, it's always a fine line with everything and a balancing act to make sure that you are the person you should be and want to be.
There's a lot going on in this blog. First you don't approve of someone's alleged relationship. Then you don't like it when someone says something or asks about your relationship. Then you say that you are not your relationship. There seems to be a lot of feelings here. I probably need more information.
I think we need to get coffee soon.
P.S. I deleted my previous comment because I misspelled something. Prety dum, rite?
HAha, yeah, maybe i left out some stuff. Basically, it just seemed that everyone wanted something that was fake.
coffee soon, yes. when i'm done training at work and have more free time, definitely
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