The past six months or so I have been depressed. Perhaps it was because I was really nervous about turning thirty, or maybe because I was just so upset about not knowing which direction I wanted to go with my life. Whatever the reason, I seemed to have lost my way. I got so bogged down with being worrying about the fact that I was still a waiter, and wasn't auditioning for anything and didn't even want to. It was so hard for me to see anything good in my life.
About five years ago I dated someone who looked me square in the face and told me that I was too negative and he couldn't handle being around me anymore. My immediate reaction was, "fuck you!" But, the more I thought about it, the more I thought he might be right. That same day I received a forward from my Grandma in my e-mail. I don't know why I read it, but I did. The entire story was about a man who suffered

I couldn't believe the coincidence. Shocked and a little bit hurt, I tucked my pride away and decided that I needed to change my life. I wrote a small little note and put it up next to my light switch in my bedroom that read, "I chose to be happy today. No matter what comes my way, I am a strong individual who can endure anything." I know I know that sounds lame, but it worked. I didn't feel a change immediately, but I worked on it, and within a few weeks, I knew that I had changed my life.

On the flip-side, I did run into the person I had dated about a year later, and he looked at me, stunned, and asked, "what happened to you?" And I told him about how he had changed my life. Well, him and my grandma. But the point is, they changed my life for the better.
Now, I'm someone who goes up and down a lot in my life. There are some high points and definitely some low points. That moment a few years ago was definitely a low point. And for some reason, the past six months, I allowed myself to get back to that point again. I'm not sure how I just let it happen but I did.

So, now I have to take inventory of my life and figure out what's so good about it. I have a wonderful life with an insanely caring man, and our puppy. I have amazing friends, too many to give individual shoutouts, but you all know who you are. My family and I love each other and see each other whenever we can. The past six months, I went to Florida to see my sister and took trips up to Massachusetts to see Matt's family, as well as going to P-town to see friends, and i went to two wonderful weddings. So I have family, friends, a job, vacations, fun, a dog, a boyfriend. That

The next thing I had to do was compare where I'm at now, to where I was several years ago when I had hit a low point. My relationship with my family was on the way to getting better, I had just met some people who are now my best friends, I had just

started a new job, I had no boyfriend, no dog, no vacations, and no career. Plus, I was really selfish, bitchy and immature. So, I'd say that I've made some serious strides in my life to make it better.
So, how did I let it get so bad? I have no idea. Somehow I just forgot that my life is

And what do I really want in the next year of my life? Or the next decade, for that

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