Anywho, I was sitting there, minding my own business and listening to a song by Todrick Hall called "It Gets Better." It's a really great song, for now, but it definitely goes along with the "It Gets Better" campaign. It's very inspirational and cute and I'm enjoying for now. So, I'm sitting there feeling really good as the song finishes, and a guy sitting near me motions for me to take my headphones off because he has something to say. This has happened to me before and never been a good scenario.
He was pretty non-descript. Just a man in his mid-late forties, balding and an overall pleasant demeanor. So, I cautiously obliged him and took off my headphones, very unsure of what to expect.
"I like the song you're listening to."
"Thanks, I like it, too," I said, thinking, "wow, did you really interrupt me just to tell me that?"

After a long awkward pause, he continued, "So, do you have anything you need to talk about?"
Inside my head, I was screaming "WHAT??? WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? GET AWAY FROM ME YOU CREEPY CREEPY MAN!" But I calmly asked, "excuse me?"
I found out that he works for a youth organization for gay teens, that now uses this song as their theme song. So, he's just out trying to protect the gay youth of the city.
Now, I'm wondering if he thinks I'm a gay teen, which clearly I'm not gay. HAHA. But he then said, "so anytime I hear someone listening to this song, I feel compelled to stop them and make sure they are ok. You know there have been a lot of youth as well as college suicides lately."
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!. Here it is. He thinks I'm in college. And troubled. And contemplating suicide. So clearly this man has no idea how to read the signs of someone troubled, contemplating suicide, or judging the age of someone in college. I wonder how it's possible for him to work with a youth organization that saves people when he's so bad at reading the signs. So, I looked at him and said, "yeah, I'm thirty. And I actually live with my boyfriend."
He gave me an awkward, "oh so you're all good then."
"yeah, I'm all good"
Because I am.
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