This is my 100th entry on this blog. Pretty good for me. As many people know, writing entertainment from your own life is damn near impossible everyday. You have to kind of wait for exciting things to happen before you can write about it. So that's the explanation for my absence over the past few weeks.
Where to begin? It feels like so much has happened and I can't really make sense of it all.
First up, my parents came to NYC for the first time ever! It was so weird to have them come here for a visit. I can't believe they have never been here ever in their lives! I mean, they are, many years older than me and they never had that draw, that passion or fire to come and travel here. It just blows my mind. Also, it was really fun taking them around the city to the Empire State Building, down to Batter Park to see the Statue of Liberty, Central Park, a Met's Game, everything was a blast, and that's from someone who lives here who hasn't done the "touristy" game in quite awhile.
Followed by that was a two week stint of working. So... One word fills that in perfectly...BORING!
Then, I went up to Boston for a wedding. Now, I'm definitely not someone who likes weddings. People cry over the vows, there's a religious ceremony and the dressing up and all the fancy fancy crap. But that's also what I love about weddings. I suck it up just like everyone else. I like to think that I'm, one day, going to be able to have a wedding of my own. Yes, I'd love one in a church, but let's be real. Who's going to marry a couple of homo's in a church?

Next up, it was back to work for about 8 days straight with an intermittent birthday visit from one of my besties from LA! And of course we had to go to my restaurant, which isn't ideal, but it is what he wanted. So, that's what he gets, because he old! Just kidding. But it was nice to see my LA friends and hang out here in the city.
Following that, my last night of work, and the night before my P-town vacation, I had a small situation at a table. QUick overview, they were really mean to the girl who tried to clear their empty appetizer plates, then mean to the girl who brought the salad they ordered, because they had changed their minds. Cut to the dropping of the bill. I forgot to split off the originally ordered salad. But I dropped the check without even thinking about it. Then, another server was handed the credit card, so he ran their card.
Interruption. To anyone who doesn't know, this action puts a "pending transaction" on your account. If it's not closed out, it comes off in about two business days. If it's closed out, then it goes out of pending to an actual transaction. Back to my story.
I realized my mistake and went to the table to talk to them. I explained the whole situation from the salad to the running of their card a second time and having two "pending transactions" on their account. They said ok that was fine and I took their card again to swipe it.
Upon returning to the table, they asked me to explain everything again. This is where I knew I was in trouble. Not only were they confused, they were PISSED!!! One woman began screaming at me and telling me that we ran a sham business and they were never coming back and I was a horrible server, and pointed out that I never re-lit their candle (which i did four times, after they kept playing with it and blowing it out!) but I'm horrible and shouldn't be a server because I suck. So the manager comes over and he's there for about fifteen minutes, then the same lady goes to a different part of the restaurant to yell at him and another manager too. It was intense, but not over yet!
Finally, the situation was worked out and they lady returned to her table. As I was walking by this is what I heard from the two ladies at the table;
Lady #1- It's all ok now, I mean, he's probably racist.
Lady #2- Yeah, (loud whisper, IE normal conversation level) And you know he's a faggot, too!
Lady #3 (to the table while looking me square in the face) Yeah, He's just a racist faggot!
My reaction was one of total shock. I could not believe I was just called a racist faggot! At that point, I just walked away and fought back the tears. I had been stressed out all night and wasn't in a place to deal at all. I mean, I've been called names before and I know that I should have gone to my manager about it right then and there, but I was too upset. And they were on their way out. I just wanted them gone. And they were. I didn't let nor want them to see me so upset by their bullshit. I think what upset me more was the racist part. I can handle being called a fag or any version of one, but a racist? please! Fuck them! There I said it. FUCK THEM IN THEIR BULLSHIT FACES!
Ok, now I feel a little bit better.
And the next day I went to Provincetown for a glorious vacation of seeing shows and hanging out with wonderful friends. I got to see Naked Boys Singing, a show I've been a part of twice, and it was so STRANGE to see the new cast without me in it.

So, now I'm back in NYC and broke as fuck! Where is that man who wants to pay off Matt and I's bills? Anyone? Hello? oh yeah, and you can't want anything sexual out of it. haha, Totally kidding. Kind of, no really I'm kidding. Anywho, I'm back and currently looking for a new job. I had a really great interview yesterday, so keep your fingers crossed. And hopefully a new job won't find me being called a racist faggot!

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