Near my place of employment, there is a building that is covered in what looks like green wrapping paper. I'm not sure what it is for real, but that's what it looks like. And I wish I had a picture, but sadly, I don't. I have never seen anyone working on this building or making improvements, but I'm sure something is going on there, and one day it will eventually be finished. But, for the moment it's a work in progress.
Now, I think buildings are like people. I think the flaws, cracks, perfections and imperfections in a building are what give them character, just like people. This is not a new revelation. But, for myself, I walk by this building of green wrapping paper and I feel closest to that building; maybe there's nothing obvious going on from the outside, but underneath there is a a massive amount of work that is just waiting for one day to show on the outside.
Most people, it seems, are more like the buildings being built from the ground up. They could be empty spaces that will never have anything of substance, or they are the people that have a clear cut identified plan of what they are to become. I know many people who are on a very clear path to becoming who or what they want to be. Nothing can derail them. So, I can't say all people, but it just feels that way. And it makes me feel, sometimes, that I'm never going to find my own way.
So in reference to the emerald city, my green building does remind me of the wizard of oz. In that story, the emerald city is their ultimate goal. It is their destination to find their answers and conclude their journey. So, is my green building the answer to mine? Or is it my reminder that I'm on my path, the right or wrong one, but a path, that is uniquely my own and that I'll one day figure out where I need to be?

I'm not sure, but I see that building of green and I think I'm doing ok.
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