Sunday, October 19, 2008

Rants of the week.

So much has been going on, and I just dont' really know where to begin. Good things and bad. So I'll just start listing them.

1. Hate that I have ill feelings towards some of my friends because things get miscommunicated. 

2. I hate that I used to love going to the gym, and now, I just feel, well, it's a rough time sometimes.

3. I waited on Star Jones today at my restaurant. Turns out she's one of the sweetest and most polite people ever. Guess that the view must have just shown her bad sides? Not sure.

4. I'm 28!!!! everyday getting closer to 30. I hope when I hit it, I'll have a lot more figured out.

5. I'm getting a flu shot tomorrow, and I'm a little sick now, so not sure if I should. I'm a little bit scared. Any thoughts anyone?

6. I have all of this music from this summer that I rarely listen to, but can't get rid of it. Sometimes I get a little sentimental. 

7. It's getting much colder in NYC and i can't find a goddamn winter coat to save my life. Who wants to go shopping with me???

8. I have felt guilty for having ill feelings towards some of my friends. I actually thought about just letting the friendships fade away. Today, I realized that it's probably not the best way to handle the situation. Maybe it'll just work itself out and I'll have to accept that some of my oldest friends are now strangers.

9. I hate even numbers, so I had to write 9 things. And 9 should be enough, right?

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