Tonight I worked a catering event in the low twenties and fifth avenue. I work catering here and there, and I've seen a lot of crazy spaces, but this place was AWESOME! Seriously such a beautiful building and lots of great amenities, including a roof deck, which is where the party was being held. OH yeah, the event was a recruiting party for a kids charity in Cambodia. Just keep that in mind as this story unfolds.
So, I get to the building with roughly 8 bags in tow. I take them up to the tenth floor to a gorgeous 3 bedroom condo with dark hardwood floors, a big open living room and kitchen, fully modern and sleek. It seemed like an space I could only dream of. OH but wait. The top, excuse me, penthouse, is all two-three level condo's.

It's ridiculous. And then the rooftop! My god, it was a dream come true. Sadly, reality set back in and I realized that I didn't live there, I was there to work. :(
Anwho, after immediately mis-judging the woman I was working for, with her live-in maid (i thought she was one of those snooty women who didn't really raise their own kid. but she turned out to be alright) I began setting up the entire party. Organizing furniture, laying out food, getting drinks ready, putting up tents, and I even helped set up a computer and screen for a power-point presentation. Yup, I'm a big time multi-tasker!
So, the party gets going and the skinniest woman I have ever seen shows up. And while she was nice, I hear the host ask her when her daughter is coming, and she said, "Oh the nanny is bringing her in about an hour, I NEED some adult time." OK, let's stop here. I'm sure you do need adult time. Most parents do. But this is the kind of woman, no person, that I hate. She has a full time, live in nanny that most likely raises her kid, while she has plenty of gym time to keep her skeletal figure from gaining even an ounce. You got it, I'm judging HARDCORE right now. And she certainly didn't lack in giving me ammo!
Later, her daughter arrived; Esme. My first reaction to this name was pretty amazing. I thought it was ridiculous. If you know where I'm going with this, don't tell. Let the kiddie's get to it on their own. As this woman was introducing herself to people as well as her daughter, I heard a lady say, "wow, Esme, what an interesting name. How did you come up with that?" And her reply was fantastic! "Well, I was reading these children's books called 'Twilight,' have you heard of them?"
Well that's all I needed to think this woman a total moron. YOU NAMED YOUR KID AFTER A CHARACTER IN TWILIGHT!!! Good lord! I can totally get naming your kid after someone from a novel that changed literature as we know it, but Twilight? For real? I mean you might as well have named your kid Taylor Lautner, and called it a day! I mean, honestly! UGH! OH but it gets even better!!!
Later on, a man showed up to the party that looked familiar. I couldn't figure it out, then he came over with a bottle of beer he needed opened. That's when it hit me! About three weeks ago, he came into my restaurant with some of his buddies. On his way out, he left me his phone number and told me to call him. Well, as I do when anyone gives me their number while I'm working, I threw it out. So he comes up to get his beer opened and looks at me, "oh hey! you work at (insert restaurant here) don't you?" All I could say was, "yes." That got me a nervous, "cool." I could see him kind of nervous looking (or so I thought.) Then he went over and sat with Twilight namer. She's his wife! What??? At this point I wasn't confused, because men in the city are never what they seem. But, for real, this is is wife. Maybe he bought Twilight for him? Then she borrowed them? Anywho...

So later on, I had to replenish drinks. To do so, I had to go to a room behind the bar area I had set up. As I go back, this dude follows me. This was the best conversation I've ever had because he scared the shit out of me.
Him, "Hey, did you keep my number?"
Me, "No, I'm sorry." (then upon trying to leave)
Him, "That's too bad, you should call me."
Me, "Well, I'm sorry, that's not going to happen."
Him, "Why, because I'm married? Or do you have a boyfriend?"
Me, "I do have a boyfriend. One who I'm committed to."
Him, "Well, my wife and I have an understanding..."
Me, "My boyfriend and I have an understanding too. We understand that we're just with each other. I have to get back out there"
First of all, you fucking followed me and cornered me! How fucking dare you! Second, you're scum. YOu sleep with men on the side of your marriage to a woman. That's just beyond disgusting. And from that point on, he didn't even come near me for the rest of the evening, thank GOD!
ANywho, it was a beautiful evening and I got to hang out in the building where Meg Ryan own's a condo. I even took the elevator down with her on my way out!