Thursday, July 22, 2010

Riggle me this, why do you hate me?

So, yes, another story about work.

Why are servers the most hated people in the world. Do people think we're dumb? Do people think that we aren't educated, or human beings, or anything worth giving a little kindness and consideration to?

I mean, I definitely know the answers to the above, but I feel like many people think that the person waiting on them have no real life experience, brains, ethics, morals, passions, interests, or a soul. But, it's not the way it is. Many people forget that Suze Orman was once a server, but let's face it, the bitch is smart. She managed to begin her empire off of her tips. Does she even have an empire? Either way, it doesn't really matter.

But, there is a hatred towards servers that we deal with on a little bit deeper level; foreigners. Tonight, someone said to me, after 15 minutes of looking at the menu and not ordering anything, "we're french, we need time to translate what you call a language"

Now, I'm sure what he meant by this was, "we're not from here, we need time to translate (then the what you call a was supposed to mean 'i'm searching for the word') this language. But, the way it came out was, "i'm french and far more superior to you and your country, our language is better and I spit on you." So, now it's up to me to not only maintain my own sanity, but I have to defend my country too? For real?

Ok so maybe I don't. i just have to walk away, which suits me just fine.

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