1. Axe Body Spray. Hmmm well, there's a LOT I can say about this shit. It's gross. Plain and simply put. It will not cover your disgusting B.O. no matter how many bottles you spray yourself with. Try showering and washing your clothes and not wearing them when they are dirty. Furthermore, this stuff smells like scented rubbing alcohol, so I'm pretty sure that means it's cheap, oh wait! It Is! You can buy this stuff at Target for less that $5, so that means it's probably mostly made of alcohol and won't last very long in the fragrance area, maybe that means you should grow up and wear Curve like a junior high schooler. Just a thought.
2. It's America, traffic flows on the right side. It's like driving a car, that's how we should walk down the street, but yet, some people haven't quite grasped the concept even after living in this country, oh I don't know, ALL OF THEIR LIFE! Take note people.
3.I'm over trying to get in touch with people after three attempts. It's kind of been my unwritten rule. I will try calling, texting, or emailing three times. Any combination of those three is how I will get in touch with you. Of course, there were a few exceptions to that rule, but I'm now extending it to everyone I know. I'm tired of having friends with years of time put in not get back to me for whatever reason. So, that's it kids, you're getting three from me, then the ball is in your court for up to however long it takes to get back to me. So return your damn phone calls! You never know why I'm calling. And I don't feel that I should have to tell you exactly why I'm calling to get you to call me back sooner (though I usually do.) Example. Someone called me about a month ago asking me if I knew of someone to do a theatre gig for him. It was low pay, but HUGE exposure. (I'm not a casting director, nor do I always have shit like this to offer my friends). So I called someone I thought would be a good person for the gig. Never heard from them. And actually, still haven't heard from them, and now the job went to someone else, who from that job get themselves an agent and is about to sign their first broadway contract. HMMMMMMM, guess my friend missed out. Point. Return your damn phone calls, you never know what's in store.
4. Missed Connections on Craigslist.org is one of my FAVORITE things ever. If you haven't ever been there, stop reading this blog and GO!
5. Honesty is key in life. So are little white lies. Being able to decipher when you are honest and when you tell a little lie is the mystery of the world.
6. The world is SMALL SMALL SMALL! So don't get mad when people you are friends with already know other people you know. Or don't be surprised. whichever works for you.
7. White people are funny. Especially when they are scared of something that makes them an outsider in any given situation.
There. That's it. I think 7 examples is all I need for today.
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