Tuesday, August 19, 2008

More things I love...

I've been listening to a bunch of songs lately, and I'm not going to say the names of them, but they've made me think. I hope that music makes everyone think about life, love, relationships, because most music comes from raw emotion and I love that someone has an experience, takes it and turns it into something the majority of the world can relate to. Or just a small group of people. 

Anywho, here are some amazing lyrics I've been listening to.

"With the slightest of breezes
 we fall just like leaves
as the rain washes us from the ground
We forget who we are
we can't see in the dark
and we quickly get lost in the crowd."

I dunno, i like it, it's simple and I know I relate. So, whatever...

"These are the things that I miss
These are not times for the weak of heart
These are the days of raw despondence
And i never dreamd I woudl have to lay down my torch for you like this."

Ok, so a little bit deeper. Yeah, it happens.

" 'Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in then you're out
You're up and you're down
You're wrong when it's right

It's black and it's white
We fight, we break up
We kiss, we make up
You don't really want to stay, no
But you don't really want to go"

Yeah, I get this one, has anyone met me? and my wonderful talent for making decisions. I promise I'm getting better.

"I pushed you away, you weren't at all 
 the person I wanted to answer my call.
The things I used to question, I'm seeing anew.
I wanted someone like me. Who wouldn't ask hard questions.
Who'd share all my thoughts, Who'd share all my fears.
Now, all I want is to be here with you."

Ok, no one take this as something dedicated to them. It's just a part of a song I listen to on repeat.

Ok, I'm a big f-ing NERD.

Thanks for stopping by.

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