Basically, according to, the boycott is about the McDonald's corporation for "refusing to remain neutral during the culture wars. McDonald's has chosen not to remain neutral but to give the full weight of their corporation to promoting the homosexual agenda, including homosexual marriage."
First of all, I didn't know we were at a culture war. What the fuck does that even mean??? Do I get up daily and strap on my gay-ass fatigues and get ready to sprinkle the world with my magic gay dust? Because I don't remember ever signing on for that when I received my pink card. Do I spout words of hate against these members of christian groups who feel the need to hold me back? Certainly not. I wish them all the love and forgiveness in the world. I mean, shouldn't someone forgive them? It must be so difficult to live with so much fear and hatred towards another person or group of people.
And secondly, are they suggesting that McDonald's holds the key to reconciling what they believe to be the world's problems? By boycotting this one company, do they think the world will stop handing over billions upon billions of dollars for their fast food fix and suddenly realize that gay marriage isn't worth the cost of a precious big mac? Suddenly everyone is going to jump on the anti-gay bandwagon and enlist themselves as so called "servants from God" to preach their hate.
This is one reason why I never signed onto organized religion. Far too many crazy people have taken it to mean that because they believe in some higher deity, they have the right to judge and discriminate against anyone in the world. And really, aren't we all here to find some sort of peace and happiness? And if that's so, then how do we justify to ourselves the judgements we pass on others? Seriously, the bible says, "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone." Sometimes, I'd like to examine the lives of people judging me on a daily basis who don't even know me and see if they themselves are free of what they call sin. Then we can see who is passing judgement undeservingly.
So, clearly the topic in debate is the "gay agenda." Why does there even have to be a "gay agenda?" Gay people just want to be afforded the same rights as every other human being in this country. Mostly, it's gay marriage, but it could be other things. But allowing two human beings the right to marry each other doesn't destroy the sanctity of marriage, it actually strengthens it. Divorce on the other hand, destroys the sanctity of marriage, yet no one wants to focus on that. Everyone seems to be focused on the fact that I might want to get married someday, and somehow that takes away from the meaning of a heterosexual marriage. I'm stumped by this. I don't know how I could affect two people in a union that I don't know and have nothing to do with. I will never meet these people face to face. I mean, I don't even know every gay person in this world, despite popular belief amongst straight college girls. The ones who ask upon finding out your sexual proclivities, "OMG! My cousin is gay and lives in Hawaii with his life partner Bill, do you know them???" (insert eye roll here.)
Now, I do respect everyone's right to an opinion. But there is scientific proof that being gay is not a choice. So, I don't respect anyone having the right to say, "you made your choice." Nope, being gay is not a choice. Coming out is a choice. Sleeping around is a choice. Condemning other people is a choice. There is no divine intervention about any of it. It's all a choice. You either choose one or the other. That's the basic right. Now, if someone told me, "I choose to believe that science is wrong." Well, that's a whole other ball of wax. I don't think the world needs to believe in gay marriage. Hell, I don't believe in straight marriage half the time. So, I'm not asking for agreement. I'm simply asking for people to look inside themselves before lashing out. Look at your own soul and decide if you are truly living without sin before boycotting Mickey D's. I think most people will find they can't in good faith condemn.
As far as gay marriage and the gay agenda goes, it's happening. Whether you want it to or not, eventually gay people will have all of the same rights and benefits that straight people do. So, you can choose how you want to respond. Hopefully if your heart is filled with hate, your head will keep you fighting in silence, as opposed to violence. But that's my own hope. You look inside yourself and decide if you can judge or not...