Saturday, January 23, 2010

An Amazing Night for Some...

So, tonight at work, something very interesting happened. Well, I guess it depends on your perspective. Let's start with my experience.

Halfway through my shift tonight, i was seated with a two top, a couple. They were far less than happy. They were downright fighting. The first time I went over, the girl was yelling at the guy. The guy was kinda cute, and the girl definitely wasn't, so I didn't think she was worth the hassle. Every time I walked over to talk to them, they seemed to be ok, but the tension was insanely high. However, I wasn't the only one who noticed. There were moments where these two people were screaming so loudly, other tables were looking at them like they were crazy, which, the pretty much were/are.

Throughout their time at my table, many of my co-workers kept coming up to me and saying things like, "wow, table 55 is certainly a lovely couple," "what the hell is wrong with them," etc. At one point, I asked a girl I work with to try to listen in on what they were saying. She only got out of them that the guy was yelling at the girl. And that he said something like, "it might as well have been a transvenstite." Ok, yeah, this dude is crazy, and well yeah, so is his girlfriend.

Finally, the table next to them was seated with 4 girls. Girls that were awesome and fun, but giggly and whatnot. I honestly didn't give them much of a second thought, until my table of crazies left. That's when I got the actual scoop of what they were fighting about.

I go to pick up my check off the crazy table and this is the scoop.

Apparently, while the crazies were at the bar, the group of four girls were next to them. Girlfriend went to the bar, and the guy started hitting on one of the girls. Girlfriend comes back to the bar to find her boyfriend hitting on the girl and lost her mind. She then began fighting with the boyfriend at the bar, and it continued on while they were sitting at the table. Well, low and behold, the girl he was hitting on gets seated at the table next to them! So of course the first thing out of her mouth is "well, this is awkward!" Which was followed by comments of "well, I don't know, why don't you ask HER!" pointing at the girl next to her. Then at one point the guy moved over to the girlfriend's side of the table and began canoodling with her. Somehow, i think, in hindsight, that he did this to prove a point to the girl he had been hitting on previously. But, then, they went back onto fighting. Another point he started screaming about Hoboken, HOBOKEN, and how his girlfriend should just call her mom and get on a train back to hoboken, HOBOKEN!!! INSANE!

What are the odds of getting seated next to the guy who was hitting on you and he actually introduces his girlfriend! W-O-W!!!

THis happened to be one of the funniest moments I've ever had the pleasure of witnessing while I was at work. Top ten, at least.

So, to Ann, Caroline, Melissa, and Abigail, thank you for making my night amazing.

On a sad note, the girlfriend ended up sitting at the bar, alone, for the next couple of hours while her douchebag boyfriend left. Yeah, he turned out to be a big ole douchebag!!!

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