There is so much on my mind. Lately, I've been incredibly depressed. I've come to the realization that I have almost everything I want in my life. I have an amazing relationship, a beautiful puppy, a wonderful home, and a steady day job that keeps me with enough money to get by. What I don't have is a career. And I'm not entirely sure what i want it to be.
I moved here to pursue my love of acting and all I've found is the frustration of auditioning. For anyone who doesn't know, it's a daily reminder that there is someone better looking, more talented, or just overall better than who you are. Yet, it's nothing personal. It's just how the blue print for a show or project fits together and we don't all fit into it the same way.
I've been writing some here and there just to get my creative juices going, but nothing is really coming together like I want. but I'm learning to be patient. If I can't book a job doing performing, then I need to create something for myself to do. I've kind of narrowed down a few jobs that I don't thin would be bad to have.
1. Personal training.
2. Teacher of yet to be determined subject
3. Pianist, but I"m not sure about this one yet.
4. Writer.
So for now, I'm just going to write when I can, what I can, and if anyone reads this, just comment for me and let me know what you think I should end up doing. Cool?